Join us in serving the Lord! There's a ministry opportunity for everyone!
Volunteers sign up on an alternating schedule to help with 2 and under kids during Sunday School. ​
Community Outreach
Plans ways to reach out and get involved in the community
Food baskets
Back-to-school night
Community events
Bus Ministry
Volunteers sign up on an alternating schedule to run the bus route for Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and Kingdom Kids on Wednesday nights.
Adult Choir
Sings during Sunday Morning Service
Praise Choir
Sings during Sunday Evening Service and special services (Christmas, Easter, etc.)
Practices after Sunday Evening Service
Children's Choir
Sings during Sunday Evening Service and special services
Practices Sunday Evening at 4:45
Several areas available for ministry:
Prepare missionary's quarters for visitors
Welcome visitors
Work in kitchen during church meals
Clean before/after special events
The Blessing Box
Take What You Need. Give What You Can.
Missions Board
Stays in touch and up-to-date with missionaries. Plans mission trips.